The Tree of Life and Knowledge is the sefirot. It is the thing that we must understand since we are bound up by it. It is always and forever connected to its roots, which are buried deep within Gan Eden. To study the sefirot, to study the Divine, is to examine that tree. That tree that grows in Gan Eden. Thus, whenever we wish to connect to the sefirot, we must enter sacred space and return to Gan Eden. This book offers a guidebook for doing this kind of Qabalah work with the Tree of Life. This book is part of my ongoing project of reclaiming and reconstructing the Occult Qabalah based on rabbinic metaphors and symbols from the Zohar and Luria traditions of Jewish Kabbalah. In this book, you will find a reworking of the Middle Pillar meditation and a reworked Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentacle. I also provide a variety of Tarot spreads to help explore and understand the twenty paths of the Sefirot. In a way, this book is in the tradition of and replacement of Dion Fortune’s book The Mystical Qabalah. This book also presents a reworked theology to remove the elements of Patriarchy, sexism, and oppositional duality that have worked their way into rabbinic Judaism in general and spilled into the rabbis’ presentation of Kabbalah. In doing this, I utilize elements of Daoism as found in the Daodejing. To purchase click Link
Garshom Yaron aka Gary Jaron has been exploring the Occult Qabalah and the Rabbinic Kabbalah since he was a teen.